
Every year in 12 Polish cities the Solemn Gala present the award for dynamic developing small and middle size Polish enterprises.  It was the XVI edition of Gazel Biznesu, the author of this ranking is trading information agency Coface Poland which cooperate with Puls Biznesu avow awards for laureate of competition, which presents the awards for the extraordinary way an enterprise has developed and managed its own business  in very demanding environments.

On the 09.03.2016 in the Warsaw hotel Airport Okęcie the Gala of Mazovian country was held for laureate and for the fourth time in a row, the company Fructopant from Gąbin was awarded this prestigious award.
Award at the hands of Przemyslaw Żabka, representing the management of the company, handed the CEO of Bonnier Business Poland — Patricia Deyna

It is a great joy to be awarded, for the fourth time, in the group of the most dynamic developing companies from  Poland. This success confirms Fractoplant has chosen the right path for the continuous development of our company. We dedicate this prize  to the whole team at FRUCTOPLANT, who by their own responsibility, commitment and perseverance in the pursuit of the company’s goals, is the reason for Fructoplant’s success — commented Przemysław Żabka

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