
GLOBALG.A.P. dla Fructoplant Sp. z o.o.

We would like to inform you that our company has met a number of requirements and obtained the GLOBALG.A.P. Certificate together with the GRASP Extension. We make every effort to meet the expectations of our customers, providing them with the highest quality products manufactured by us.

A few words about GLOBALG.A.P and GRASP.

GLOBALG.A.P. is an international standard forGood Agricultural Practice. The certified body guarantees the traceability of the correct use of plant protection products, cultivation techniques, fertilisation or irrigation. The standard also requires, among others, that the producer seeks to reduce the adverse effects on the environment and consumer health resulting from agricultural activity.

Logo Systemu Jakości GRASP

The GRASP Extension (GLOBALG.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practice) assesses in detail the health, safety and life quality of the company employees. This module helps manufacturers to guarantee compliance with international and national labour law.

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