
Fructoplant Sp. z o.o. took part in the 22nd edition of the International Exhibition Green is Life and presented its latest brand In My Garden. The exhibition was held on 28–30 August in Warsaw at the EXPO Centre. The fair was attended by 253 exhibitors from 11 countries, including: Poland, Belgium, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, and – for the first time – Ukraine and Belarus. The exhibition was organized by the Greenery Promotion Agency and the Polish Nurserymen Association under the name Key to the Garden. It was visited by approx. 14,500 people, including 5,877 professionals from Poland and 30 other countries. During the exhibition a competition for the most attractive stand was organized. Its purpose was to award Exhibitors who prepared their stands in a particularly attractive and ingenious way in accordance with their company’s marketing objectives and motto. Fructoplant Sp. z o.o. won the Silver Laurel award in the category of the most attractive plant stand.

‘We are glad that the committee appreciated the effort put into the design and construction of our stand. We would like to thank everyone who visited us. The meetings passed off in a fruitful and pleasant atmosphere’, said Piotr Lendzion, Fructoplant Commercial Director.

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